Thursday, February 25, 2010


I got off work and was walking to my car, looking down at my shoes. Funny the things you remember and think about. Like when I was a little girl wearing my uniform for school and walking home and how when I was little and HAD to always wear snow boots. And how I couldn't wait to wear my shoes again walking on the snowless pavement. And when I finally did how free I felt. :) I always loved that.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It was suggested that I start a Blog. I don't really know why. I don't have many ideas that would be of interest to anyone. But here goes......I chose this black background thinking of my dad. He always thought I was attracted to the dark colors because I was depressed or angry. Funny, I'm so far from that. I have always been a happy girl. Loved my growing up life and I love my life now that I'm an adult and a grandma. Life is good. No I like dark colors because I do. Told you I have nothing to say. :)