Monday, July 4, 2011

I'll try again!

Today I woke up with excitement of what the day would hold. I thought as I rose, that I'd better get my sheets washed right away. So I stripped the bed. As I walked into the other room. I was met by my dad with a hopeful look as to what the day would bring to him. Is there hope for a cappiccino and a ride to Winona, our usual Monday. And I looked at Al and saw the look of dread. What will I have to do today. I said to Al so what's up on this 4th of July? He said whatever I want. My day kind of lost it's luster....I told him he should go to the point, his place of solitude, and I would bring my dad to Winona cup in hand. But to meet back at 2. So off we went. Dad, me and the cappicinno. We went to McDonald's where dad got what he calls his $1 spicy chicken sandwich (a McChicken) and a senior cold drink. I got my usual hamburger and glass of ice for my pop I brought from Kwik Trip. They only have coke products in McDonalds. We went to Walmart like usual and then came home. On the way I played a marching band CD that is music you play on the 4th of July, when I was a kid and before that in the olden days. Can you picture the two of us in my car with the music blasting, because dad likes it LOUD, at the traffic light, heads bobbing to the music, sun glasses on, dad's the typical old people sun glasses that go over their original glasses. Looking out of the window at the other cars waiting for the light to change. You know they can hear the thump thump thump....of the bass. Dad likes it base or bass....hmmmm....

I was kind of nostolgic today too. While doing laundry in the basement, I had on of the moments you see on TV where the people are having a memory and you can see what they are thinking. I saw the basement in it's original state. White basement block with cement floor. Where I played all those years as a child before they covered it up with avocado paneling and orange/brown shag carpeting. It brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat. I just remember how it was. And how long ago that was. I've lived here almost my whole life and love this house. Never wanted to leave. I know some day we will. Then thought of that line on that movie. The beginning is always scarey, the ending is always sad, it's what happens in the middle that all memories are made of.

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