Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Childhood Games

Ok and speaking of games that I played as a child, in the Fall in our neighborhood there was a church with a big lot with lots of trees. So the leaves would fall and we kids would get racks and make a big "pie" and play "Cut the Pie". So much fun, there was also a church bell that hung down low so we could ring it. At the time I couldn't understand why adults would get so upset that the bell was ringing and chase us away. In the Winter we would go to the ice skating rink. My sister was a big outdoor girl and we weren't allowed to leave until I had my math homework done. She would "help" me do it and really did it all for me and off we'd go. We played "Pump, Pump, Pull Away" and we'd play "Whip it" I never wanted to be the last person, who would go flying into the snow bank. I've always been something of a whimp.

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