Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I've been thinking of my mom and dad. Especially yesterday, for what would have been their 67th Anniversary. I took my dad to the Mall in Rochester and I was watching him walk down the hallway. He looks so old, (and he is) but I remember him when he was a young man. He had a crewcut and was heavy. But he walked to work and would always turn and wave at me as I watched him from my bedroom window until he was out of sight. He seemed to be so tall, now I feel like I look down at him. He would go in the kitchen and sneak a cookie from the cookie jar. I'd look at my mom we could hear him carefully opening the lid of the jar, we were sitting in the our old TV room and she'd roll her eyes because he was "dieting". I understand his pain of dieting now. YUCK! My mom would sit and talk on the phone in the kitchen. The telephone had a six foot cord at the most and so you couldn't go far then. I'd put my head on her lap and she's play with my hair. I remember that clear as it if was just yesterday. I was home. I miss her. But for now I have my dad in his final years. I get to gather a bunch of memories to last me the rest of my life. I can take them out and go over them in my mind when I miss them. As my dad says it's the memories that help you get over their dying.

1 comment:

  1. What precious memories. Thanks for sharing!

    I can understand the woes of cookie-cravings when you're dieting too. Poor Grandpa... :)
