Tuesday, June 1, 2010


We are going to be having company. My Aunt (whom I love so much) and my cousin and his wife. Plus my sisters too. Well, Al and I have cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. He shampooed the rug and we have washed everything that can be washed. I have to think, we clean because we don't want them to think we are slobs. When really it's a lie. We are slobs, why should we put up a farce? Let them come as we are. I really wish I could be that way. "Come on in, just step over the dog dustbunnies." "Oh...don't open that door, you may not live during the avalanche."

But now our house is clean and I had to go to work. Can you believe I was actually sleeping as I was typing. I wore myself out. I had to go out to my car to sleep a bit. Which was ok, because I was two hours early for work. I slept and hour and and a half.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You HAVE been hard at work!! :) Good job taking a nap - I'm sure you needed it!! Although I still say...your house is still WAY cleaner than mine -- even when it is "dirty"!! ;)
